Nedan finns exempel på renderingar som erhållits med IronCAD-verktyg. Det finns också möjlighet att bädda in Keyshot direkt i IronCAD för professionella och fantastiska renderingar.
Screenshot 1
Rendered raw in woodLAB using a default template.
Screenshot 2
Rendered raw in woodLAB using a default template and displaying Shaded mode with hidden edges.
Screenshot 3
Rendered raw in woodLAB using a default template and in Set Transparency in Texture mode.
Screenshot 4
Rendered raw in woodLAB using the function of opening doors and drawers and the function of creating a configuration to quickly switch from one mode to another.
Screenshot 5
More elaborate rendering using all kinds of adjustments, especially lighting.
Screenshot 6
Rendering elaborated using 3DS objects via 3DWarehouse or Grabcad